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Account Management |
I forgot my password, how do I reset it? Click here to reset your password. Be sure to add as a safe address to prevent emails going to your junk folder. Please allow up to 48 hours for access to be granted as all credentials are verified. |
My email has changed; how do I access my MohawkToday account? Send an email to with the new email, while also providing your account name and account number. A representative will reach out to assist modifying your account. |
I have a MohawkToday account. How do I register as a new user on MohawkToday? Send an email to with the new email, while also providing your account name and account number. A representative will reach out to assist modifying your account. |
I’m a new dealer and don’t have a Mohawk account number yet. How can I gain access to MohawkToday? Reach out to your Mohawk Representative. A Mohawk account # is required in order to register for access. |
I’m an Advertising Agency for a Mohawk Dealer. How do I gain access to your advertising assets on MohawkToday? Send an email to with the new email, while also providing your account name and account number. A representative will reach out to assist modifying your account. |